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The term seems to be popping up more & more in the dog training world these days & if you aren't familiar with the word itself you might be feeling a little confused.

Simply put, having a holistic approach is to view something as a whole made up of inter-connected parts, rather than of individual parts that just so happen to make up a whole. 

I have personally always approached my own life with a holistic mindset. So it comes very naturally for me to utilise it within dog training.​

Ideally, I would like to find out more about the day-to-day & week-to-week living of your dog, down to some of the smaller details that can sometimes seem irrelevant on the surface but can often have a huge impact.

Having this understanding of their life as a whole helps me establish a more in-depth comprehension of what other factors may be influencing their behaviour & how you can make some seemingly small changes that will make a big difference.

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