Learn to love yourself as much as you love your dog
An online community space & support system to guide you on your journey through this life with your dog.
A completely unique, one of a kind space to learn how to support your own health & well-being so you can show up as your best self for in your life with your dog!
Alongside community spaces to share about your experiences & to truly be seen, heard & supported, whilst also supporting others in the process!
Monthly workshops/talks & Q+A's with health & well-being practitioners
Discounts/offers with practitioners (subject to availability)
Weekly mental health check ins
Emotional Dump Station
Celebration Station
Dog Teaching Tips Zone
Dog Professionals Directory
Health & Well-being Directory
Podcast with dog professionals & dog parents about their health & well-being journeys to connect & inspire you
We can't wait to share space with you & support you on your jourey through life with your dog!
Want to be a founding member?
Email support@matildathecaninecoach.com with subject line LOVE YOURSELF to receive your exclusive lifetime founding members discount* before you sign up!
Best Value
Love Yourself
Every month
As much as you love your dog
Valid until canceled
Monthly Workshops with Health & Well-being Practitioners
Celebration Station
Emotional Dump Station
Health & Well-being Check ins
Dog Teaching Tips Zone
Pet Professionals Directory
Health & Well-being Directory
Subscribe to be kept up to date with important news, updates, & announcements!